Tuesday 8 October 2013

What i enjoyed the most

Out of all of my work i have done at middlesbrough college i like working on flash the most because i am good at tracing over things.( Imagis below) and im experienceing new things on flash. flash is good to use to make new things on the computer like if your not a good drawer like me you could use flash and create the image you want to create.

 Thease are all of my imagis what i have got of Google and traced on flash and i drawed some of the imagis with the pencil what is on flash so i could get in the tight places what i couldent shape with the shape tool.







Thease are some vector graphics imagis what i could draw or trace on flash and recreate what i want to do to make it stand out when i want.

That is what i just converted on flash by going Modifie /Bipmap/ Trace and now if you zoom in the image it shouldent break up like when you see other imigis when they are pixsalated.  

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