Wednesday 23 October 2013

Middlesbrough transporter bridge now done

What i have made is Middlesbrough transporter bridge what i have now finished and what is all moving now and you can see what actually happens.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Transporter bridger redone.

What im producing on flash is middlesbrough transporter bridge and im going to make it move like a animation i making a car to arive at start to finnish then im going to make it go back. That is what i have done so far but if you look at my other blog you will see it moving. If you click the link at the end of reading this if you want to you will see what im going to be doing to this image but it is getting redone with a car in it so you will realy see what will happen. and this is what happens in real life just incase you do not no whaat it dose. Tell me what you think of my image what i created on my blog.

Monday 21 October 2013

My moving animation of Middlesbrough transporter bridge

This is what i have just created on flash of Middlesbrough transporter bridge. and the thing i used to make the center move i used on flash is a motion tween.
Thats before the image what is below 
The website i used to help me is            Click hear for website

Tuesday 8 October 2013

What i enjoyed the most

Out of all of my work i have done at middlesbrough college i like working on flash the most because i am good at tracing over things.( Imagis below) and im experienceing new things on flash. flash is good to use to make new things on the computer like if your not a good drawer like me you could use flash and create the image you want to create.

 Thease are all of my imagis what i have got of Google and traced on flash and i drawed some of the imagis with the pencil what is on flash so i could get in the tight places what i couldent shape with the shape tool.







Thease are some vector graphics imagis what i could draw or trace on flash and recreate what i want to do to make it stand out when i want.

That is what i just converted on flash by going Modifie /Bipmap/ Trace and now if you zoom in the image it shouldent break up like when you see other imigis when they are pixsalated.  

Monday 7 October 2013

My animation

I like this clip because i have made the animation all on my  own of a good sport what to do.