Tuesday 17 December 2013

Reflection on firs artsaward project

What did you enjoy doing flash animation?

I enjoyed doing flash because I get to create what ever I wanted. But what  relay liked doing on flash was making a animation what moves that was the best thing to do on flash and getting to learn new things on flash.

What skills did you learn?
I learnt allot of different skills on flash like getting to learn how to use different tools on flash I usually use YouTube. To develop new skills on my own so I can get better at making things on flash like games and other things that I want to develop on it.

Monday 16 December 2013

BBC Newcastel

This is what we took when we where at bbc newcastel we got pictures different rooms like where they do the news and breckfrast show and the football we got pictuers of where they store the futage from 2 weeks. we got a picture of the old films what only last 30 minits long and we got some other pictuers of diggerent things around BBc newcastel.

The trip was ok but everythink was in a croweded place like the things what make some shows on the air it would be good if they heep the tings in a tideer place.

Monday 9 December 2013

What i am going to do today 9/12/2013

Iam going to compleat my moving sequnce animation

This is what i have done today is making newport bridge work and move

As soon as i get it up you will se what i have done today

Monday 2 December 2013

What i am going to do today is making newport bridge move up and down how it uset to go on flash

What i have done today

I am drawing the picture i want on flash and once it done i will be making it move up and down

Monday 25 November 2013

What i did tiday was trying to make a character walk from one end of a page to another but it was making me angry so i am going to be starting somethink new

Monday 18 November 2013

This is what i have done so far to my animation what i am going to be moving
My animation will end up be moving

What i am going to produce today 18/11/13

I am going to be making a animatian person move and looks like he is moving

Monday 11 November 2013

Flash animation

What im going to produce is a charecter what is going to move from one end of the page to the other what is going to be moving is his body and legs.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Middlesbrough transporter bridge now done

What i have made is Middlesbrough transporter bridge what i have now finished and what is all moving now and you can see what actually happens.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Transporter bridger redone.

What im producing on flash is middlesbrough transporter bridge and im going to make it move like a animation i making a car to arive at start to finnish then im going to make it go back. That is what i have done so far but if you look at my other blog you will see it moving. If you click the link at the end of reading this if you want to you will see what im going to be doing to this image but it is getting redone with a car in it so you will realy see what will happen. and this is what happens in real life just incase you do not no whaat it dose. Tell me what you think of my image what i created on my blog.

Monday 21 October 2013

My moving animation of Middlesbrough transporter bridge

This is what i have just created on flash of Middlesbrough transporter bridge. and the thing i used to make the center move i used on flash is a motion tween.
Thats before the image what is below 
The website i used to help me is            Click hear for website

Tuesday 8 October 2013

What i enjoyed the most

Out of all of my work i have done at middlesbrough college i like working on flash the most because i am good at tracing over things.( Imagis below) and im experienceing new things on flash. flash is good to use to make new things on the computer like if your not a good drawer like me you could use flash and create the image you want to create.

 Thease are all of my imagis what i have got of Google and traced on flash and i drawed some of the imagis with the pencil what is on flash so i could get in the tight places what i couldent shape with the shape tool.







Thease are some vector graphics imagis what i could draw or trace on flash and recreate what i want to do to make it stand out when i want.

That is what i just converted on flash by going Modifie /Bipmap/ Trace and now if you zoom in the image it shouldent break up like when you see other imigis when they are pixsalated.  

Monday 7 October 2013

My animation

I like this clip because i have made the animation all on my  own of a good sport what to do.

Monday 30 September 2013



I have made this animation from plastasine because it my favourite sport what i like doing it is a good idear to do it because if over people like it the could get some ideas for there projects

I enjoyed it because it a good thing to and its creative  

Monday 23 September 2013

Photo shop

The image i coped onto photo shop
 That is the image that i edited the effects i used was sharpness to make the background stand out alot the text i used is Pristine and size of the text is 30pt. I laike it because it stands out with the darkness around the side of the image and the white in the senter so you can see it brighter.

Monday 16 September 2013

My blog will include Media such as.




(drawn Photographs Links to websites Photoshop) 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Pop up Cinama

 Hi There My name is Luke and i was the one who edited the Sci Fi movie during when i was at the                               pop up cinema eldon square Newcastle on the 3rd September 2013 i didn't do any recording on the Sci   Fi movie but i helped out with the lighting. I started to do level 1 media at Middlesborough college in 2013. 

This is the conversation who created the Sci Fi movie and props and who recorded it.

Click hear for Sci Fi movie link.