Monday 31 March 2014

My video tutorial

Evaluation: Middlesbrough Transproter Bridge tutorial.

What went well?

I think every think went well I had to record the tutorial video a few times because of time but I still
got it done.

If you could improve what will you improve?

I would improve my editing skills to try and make a better video tutorial because I don’t really like to edit videos.

If you had to do this again would you?

Yes I would because I like to use flash and I could just sit there all day creating something to do when I have nothing to do when I have completed the projects.

My video tutorial on how to make middlesbrough transporter bridge

My video tutorial

My tutorial on how to make a anamation on flash


Monday 24 March 2014

What I have done today is doing more recording and editing so my tutorial will be done

Monday 17 March 2014

What i will be doing today is starting to edit my recording for my Middlesbrough Transporter bridge
What i have done to day is working on my projects what havent been finnished because i have been of ill so i can keep up to date with everyone in my groupe
What i did today was starting to create the video for  my tutorial about middlesbrough transporter bridge

Monday 3 March 2014

Today I have been preparing to do a tutorial for how to make Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge, so the next year level 1 who come here to do level 1 media have a tutorial of how to make a flash animation that will move.


Today I’m going to show you how to make things move from one end of the page to the other. What I will be making is something called Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge that will transport a car from one end of the page on flash to the other.

1.       First you need to open adobe master collection sc6 file that has flash

2.       Then you need to open Adobe Flash 

3.       Then you need to go on Action script 3.0 

4.       Once you are there you are ready to make Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge. I have already made it once befor so I am going to do it again so I can show you.


1.       You can use two different ways to make Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge. You can get a use a image from the internet or you can do it by looking at it or from memory. I will be doing it from another drawing that I have already done before.

2.       You need to pick the line tool and start drawing the Transporter Bridge.

3.       You use the curve tool to start making it look like the Transporter Bridge. 

4.       You can add what you want to make it go over the Transporter Bridge to the other side and back. I will be making a car go over to the other side and back again.

5.       Then I show you how to add a Vector Graphic as the background to make your Transporter Bridge look better.
    I will be making a short video showing you how to make and make the bridge move.