Monday 30 September 2013



I have made this animation from plastasine because it my favourite sport what i like doing it is a good idear to do it because if over people like it the could get some ideas for there projects

I enjoyed it because it a good thing to and its creative  

Monday 23 September 2013

Photo shop

The image i coped onto photo shop
 That is the image that i edited the effects i used was sharpness to make the background stand out alot the text i used is Pristine and size of the text is 30pt. I laike it because it stands out with the darkness around the side of the image and the white in the senter so you can see it brighter.

Monday 16 September 2013

My blog will include Media such as.




(drawn Photographs Links to websites Photoshop) 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Pop up Cinama

 Hi There My name is Luke and i was the one who edited the Sci Fi movie during when i was at the                               pop up cinema eldon square Newcastle on the 3rd September 2013 i didn't do any recording on the Sci   Fi movie but i helped out with the lighting. I started to do level 1 media at Middlesborough college in 2013. 

This is the conversation who created the Sci Fi movie and props and who recorded it.

Click hear for Sci Fi movie link.